Monday, October 25, 2010

A Blog Update

So it seems that I let college overtake my life. I enveloped myself in my work and unfortunately let this blog fall by the wayside. However, now that I beginning to become comfortable with my new way of life. I am going to try my best to get this blog back in shape.

Right now I'm going to be playing with the layout of the site. I'm going to add some new features that will hopefully make the site more enjoyable.

I'm also going to be rolling out some new content. It will be slow at first, but once I get the site looking the way I want it, the content will be longer and more frequent.

Finally, I have created a new email for the blog. The email is: Please use this to contact me with any general comments about the site. Do you like the changes? What would you like to see in the future? What don't you like? Also feel free to email me with any ideas of your own. If you submit quality work, I will be more than happy to post here on the website.

So thank you all for reading and hope you enjoy your time here!! =)


  1. Thank you very much for creating this blog, you are doing very well it and I enjoythis blog a lot. I to love Disney and want to become an imagineer as well. I am only in highschool tough and can't do much with trying to become one until college so I usually do research on imagineering and go on your blog. I just want to say I appreciate your time and effort on this blog. Someday you will make a great imagineer, I know it. Thank you!

    P.S. By the way, have you ever looked into the Diney college program

  2. I really appreciate all the nice comments and I'm glad you're enjoying the blog so much. I'm glad someone like you is liking the blog so much and that it inspires them. That is my ultimate goal. Goodluck with school and I'm sure you will also reach your dream one day.

    And yes I have, but I am going to look for an Imagineering Internship First. I think that would be more beneficial for me.

  3. Yah an intership is probabaly the best thing for you. What feild for imagineering do you want to do like engineering, graphic design, projesct mnagement, etc?

  4. Engineering in general. Making the impossible possible.

  5. Lol I love that extra sentence you put in their (making the impossible possible). I to thought of becoming an engineer,but I heard you have no say in the ideas. I want to create the idea and make a sloppy copy sketch ( I am not the best artist) then show my sketch to and standby a great artist who creates the final sketch of the idea and add the detail that I want in my idea. The thing is I have a creative mind and I want to use it for ride design. What do u think field best benefits what I would like to do and present my creativity to the public?

  6. You probably want to look more into the story development side of things then. Focus on your storytelling skills and learn how to keep people entertained.
